This post is about Clarity and how to gain it. Most importantly it is about not giving up and keep working on it.
Having been away for 5 weeks has given me a lot of clarity. Reasons for this are:
- Training I received;
- Staying over at a friend’s;
- Living in a hotel room;
- Things that required changing over here.
Time provides clarity
The good thing is that because of the frequent training and going away on a yearly basis, plus doing a number of clarity challenges straight after, I am looking at things quite differently. I’m no longer dealing with FOMO. I know what I want and with everything else, I’m just asking myself: “Do I really need it?”
Know your goals
The other thing is that I already set myself a number of goals before I left. Some goals which have been there for over a year and one of these things is sorting things out, especially related to Lego and otherwise to what’s still around from my parents’ house.
I want overview. I want to get back to the way this place was before everything went haywire during Covid and especially when my mum passed away and the house got sold. One thing I learned this past year is that when you are certain about something and visualize this over and over (others call it sending a clear message to the universe), it has a way of manifesting itself. In my case it had to do with safety hazards (what if a fire starts in a place which basically functions as a storage unit, because you’re not sure what you want to get rid of?). Apart from that I want a different background on my videos so, both combined it’s time for change.
Doing things over and over again creates both Clarity and Overview
Getting back to Clarity, this requires overview and yes, it also creates overview. It gives you an idea about what could be ideal for you. In order to actually make this a reality, it not only requires overview, but also courage. Courage to let go of certain things. What if you get rid of the things you needed to keep? On the other hand, what if you stick to what things are like now? Does that change things for the better? Well no, because there is no change and hence no overview either. So let’s go do it. Maybe it takes a few tries, but with every try I promise you it will get easier.
The most important change I have noticed in myself is peace of mind and determination. I guess that’s Clarity with the necessary dosage of Courage. I know what I want and need and it feels good. The best thing? I already started working on it.
Some things to consider after reading this blog post
What do you need to change? What do you need clarity about? How much courage will it take you to go after this, if only to get clarity on what you want?
Would it work for you to go on a trip like I did? If so, think about going on a Xmas trip later this year (I got something special lined up) and short term on joining the Clarity Challenge. Let’s finish this year strong and not wait till that last week. Let’s get Clarity now!
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