Courage to do that One Thing Consistenly
Two Fridays ago I went live again. Going live is not that exciting, but doing it every week on Streamyard, which in turn broadcasts to YouTube live, Facebook and nowadays also Instagram is. And it is something I hadn’t done for a long time, especially not every week.
Now one can wonder why I would keep doing this every week again, after I did it before for 8 months and then quit. The answer to this is “Consistency” and the motivation behind that one is “Courage”.
When my Coach asked me what I needed to focus on most, I responded: “Consistency”. The latter was not something new to me, I just couldn’t get myself to be consistent over and over again. There are a few reasons for this, one being dealing with sleep.
I work at night. There are three reasons why I do so. One is that I am a night owl and I work best when it’s quiet and there are hardly any distractions. Two is that for some reason I am more creative at night. Three is that I work with a lot of people who live in the US, which means I do a lot of training and broadcasts at night.
the Challenge for me is to work on something in time to get back to sleep at a decent hour. That is something I haven’t been able to succeed at yet. If I do, I am definitely not consistent and when I am consistent, I go to bed really early (late) in the morning.
This time I chose Consistency and honestly I am proud to say I have been posting 61 days in a row now on Instagram, having done 3 challenges and 2 weekly Friday night lives with Lady Lexy. I will succeed in getting to sleep in time as well. It will be related to working ahead of time, which means better scheduling. Most importantly, I will do it one step at a time.
One Step at a time
It’s one of the phrases I use a lot. When we work on something we do it one step at a time and do not try to change things all at once. It simply won’t work. What will work is considering what that “One Thing” is you want to work on.
For me that means being found on Social Media. It means that people can rely on me to post regularly, so once they find me they can count on me being there consistently. I have been posting on YouTube, just not often enough. It’s more like one batch at a time and who wants to be binge watching once every so often? It works way better to get something out there and leave people curious for that next thing. Of course, that also means there needs to be something again in a reasonable amount of time. We don’t want to have people waiting. People need encouragement and I am there to give it to them, if they can find me.
Role Model
Part of the encouragement is me serving as a role model. If I don’t do what I suggest others should do, what does that tell them about me? Nothing much good and I wouldn’t want to be coached by someone who says one thing and does the other.
Encouragement also means coming up with things which make sense and I like to have something in writing to give to others. Recently I was suggested to make frame works and in combination with PDFs and these blog posts, it’s a great way to get information across to the reader. That’s why you see me coming up with frame works lately every time before I go live to give training. that’s why afterwards I will make PDFs related to that same topic. So I will remember what I talked about and others can learn from the information I put together to inspire and motivate others.
Recurring Topics Courage Challenge
During the Challenge I talked about a number of things. Recurring topics which are utmost important are:
- That One Topic (which makes you energized and keeps you going);
- A solid Foundation (so you can work on that One Topic);
- Mindsets (which are bound to keep you from working on that one thing, unless you change them);
- Being specific and clear about what it is you want (to get across);
- Taking Action (consistently, even when you don’t feel like it).
All these things combined make us move forward when we have a hard time believing in ourselves and hence taking the so much needed action. One won’t work without the other.
Most importantly all of this takes courage. It takes courage to confront yourself with the mindsets which are deeply instilled in us, without us even knowing about it. Facing them, working on them to change them into mindsets that actually work for us instead of against us, is not easy. It is utmost important however.
Taking action, by starting to work on that one thing, which also requires doing hard thing at times, is not easy either. The one thing I can tell you is that it will get easier, if you keep doing it consistently. Yes, that means tweaking and changing, until you have found the right mode, just like I am doing right now.
My challenge is to be both consistent, which also means working ahead whilst I feel most inspired and energized and going to sleep in time. When I don’t go totally sleep in time, I won’t be able to live during the day and some things can be done during the day. Think about soaking up sunlight (or at least daylight) and (in my case) going to the physical therapist.
What is your One Thing you want to work on and what Challenges do you need to overcome? How are you going to muster up that courage?
If you can use a boost, you’ve got a few days left to watch the challenge on YouTube live, Facebook and Instagram. The other option is to register and buy the course and also get an additional bonus course. It’s all up to you. Do you have the courage to face what’s holding you back from working on that one thing that makes you truly happy?
If so, check out
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